Page 87 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 87

longer-term  health  goals  for  Member  Member States towards the achievement of
                             States in the SADC region.             key indicators on TB, to ef ectively control
                                    The Strategy will further help to build  and ultimately eliminate tuberculosis in the
                             a sustainable, transformed and effective  SADC region. It also highlights the chal-
                             health  workforce  within  strengthened  lenges that need to be overcome and key
                             health systems that supports Global Strat-  recommendations to Member States for the
                             egy objectives. It will also provide vital  improvement of their TB programme per-
                             support to SADC Member States by iden-  formance.
                             tifying policy options, tools and guidance.
                              It is within this context that ILO, OECD  Malaria Report 2019-2020
                             and WHO are called upon to provide tech-  T e annual Malaria report is developed by
                             nical support, capacity building and de-  the SADC Secretariat in partnership with
                             velop  broader  strategic  objectives  and  the WHO and approved by the SADC Min-
                             policy  options  for  the  SADC  region.  isters of Health on an annual basis. T e re-
                             SADC Member States will then, based on  port highlights progress on key milestones
                             their context, develop, review and priori-  and  indicators  that  Member  States  have
                             tise from the broader strategic objectives  achieved towards the realization of ef ective
                             and policy options.                    malaria control and elimination

                              Pooled Procurement Guidelines         Harmonisation of Regional Health Policies,
                              T e SADC Secretariat in partnership with the  Strategies and Guidelines
                             United  Nations  Development  Programme  Harmonisation is aimed at addressing barri-
                             (UNDP) has provided technical support to  ers to scaling up health services delivery. T e
                             the Medical Stores Department of Tanzania  SADC  secretariat  has  developed  regional
                             to develop the SADC Pooled Procurement  mechanisms  through  which  collaborating
                             Services (SPPS) guidelines in line with the  partners will agree to focus on providing sup-
                             SADC Pharmaceutical Business Plan.     port to Member States in the region to enable
                                     T e guidelines have been developed to as-  them to achieve the sustainable development
      84                     sist key players in applying a systematic step-  goals by adopting common approaches to
                             by-step approach in the SPPS supply chain  quality delivery of health services and ensure
                             management, aimed at facilitating bulk pro-  health protection for their citizens. T is con-
                             curement of medicines and other health com-  sists essentially of support to Member States
                             modities and realizing the economies of scale.   to identify, plan and address health systems
                                                                    constraints to improve health-related out-
                              Tuberculosis Report 2019-2020         comes.
                              T e annual TB report is developed by the
                             SADC  Secretariat  in  partnership  with  Multi-sectoral Approach and Partnerships
                             AUDA-NEPAD and the Global Fund and     Modalities  of  collaboration  that  involve
                             approved by the SADC Ministers of Health  joint analytical work as well as planning and
                             before its of  cial publication. T e 2019 re-  implementation  support  which  partners
                             port  summarises  the  progress  made  by  would normally undertake in collaboration
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