Page 88 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 88

with the Secretariat have been undertaken.  may increase by up to 25 percent over the
                  T e regional mechanism plays a critical role  remainder of 2020 .
                  for the provision of rapid technical support        With these considerations, there are ex-
                  and capacity-building assistance to Member  pected to be approximately 8.4 million chil-
                  States.                                dren  who  will  suf er  from  acute
                         T e  Secretariat  continued  to  support  malnutrition across the region in 2020, and
                  Member  States  to  align  with  regional  of these, approximately 2.3 million children
                  processes that provide linkages between the  will require life-saving treatment for severe
                  health sector and the broader development  acute malnutrition.
                  processes  at  country  level.  T e  limited        Over two-thirds of these children (71
                  progress in translating continental and re-  percent) are found in just six countries in
                  gional commitments into concrete action at  the  region  (Angola,  DRC,  Mozambique,
                  country level continues to be a challenge  South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia).
                  and will be addressed by consistent engage-        T rough the SADC Food Security and
                  ment with the broad development process  Nutrition  Strategy  2015–2025,  there  are
                  actors in Member States, particularly in re-  goals that the region is committed to achiev-
                  lation to the provision of predictable long-  ing in order to address all forms of malnu-
                  term f nancing and reduction of fragmented  trition. In addition, the strategy has targets
                  international vertical programmes.     on  stunting,  wasting,  underweight,
                                                         anaemia, low birthweight, exclusive breast-
                  Nutrition                              feeding, and overweight, which are in line
                  T ere are 18.7 million stunted children in  with the global targets (World Health As-
                  the region and acute malnutrition (wasting)  sembly targets).
                  among children under the age of f ve years        T ere were various milestones that the
                  is over 5 percent in seven Member States,  nutrition programme achieved during the
                  which is classif ed as high according to the  period under review, including:
                  World Health Organization (WHO).  Fur-
                  thermore, all Member States have a preva-
                  lence of anaemia being above 20 percent in  ❖ Regulatory Monitoring and Enforcement            85
                  women of reproductive age and children  Framework for Food Fortif cation
                  under 5 years which is regarded as a public  To accelerate regional response to micronu-
                  health concern.                        trient  def ciency  and  support  Member
                         T e COVID-19 pandemic has brought  States in the monitoring and enforcement
                  additional concerns of further deterioration  ef orts, the SADC M&E framework was de-
                  in the nutrition status of the vulnerable pop-  veloped to guide food fortif cation regula-
                  ulation due to insuf  cient access to nutritious  tory  monitoring  and  enforcement  in
                  food, increase in household food-and-nutri-  Member States. T is was developed through
                  tion insecurity, inadequate access to health,  support from GAIN and UNICEF ESARO.
                  water and sanitation services.         T e framework provides guidance on har-
                         With  this  background,  it  is  expected  monised and systematic approaches to food
                  that acute malnutrition across the region  fortif cation monitoring and enforcement.
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