Page 89 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 89

in September 2019. Key lessons to stunting
                                                                      reduction include:
                                                                    • Governance  Structures  from  National
                                                                      Level  to  Community  Level.  In  Malawi,
                                                                      during the f eld mission conducted in Oc-
                                                                      tober 2019, it became very clear that well-
                                                                      functioning governance structure that fa-
                                                                      cilitate implementation, monitoring and
                                                                      reporting on nutrition across the dif erent
                                                                      sectors is one of the enabling factors.
                                                                    • Co-ordination Mechanism at the Highest
                                                                      Level of Authority to Facilitate Stewardship
                                                                      and Accountability such as in the Prime
                                                                      Minister’s of  ce in Tanzania;
                                                                    • Existence  of  Multi-Sectoral  Nutrition
                                                                      Policies that makes provision for nutri-
                                                                      tion specif c (micronutrient supplemen-
                                                                      tation, improved infant and young child
                                                                      feeding practices), and nutrition-sensi-
                                                                      tive programming (e.g. production and
                                                                      consumption of diverse crops, WASH,
                                                                      social protection programmes, nutrition
                                                                      education); and
                              Early Childhood Nutrition             • Dedicated Budget for Nutrition at District
                              T e following were the achievements dur-  Level  as  in  the  case  of  Tanzania  has
                             ing the past year:                       brought some gains in the implementation
                             1. SADC Action Framework for Improving   of nutrition interventions at district level.
                                the Quality of Young Children’s Diets. T e
      86                        regional action framework for improving
                                the quality of young children’s diets has  EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR
                                been developed with the aim to activate
                                multi-sectoral national actions from the  Enhance employment creation, labour rela-
                                health, food, social protection and WASH  tions, labour market information and pro-
                                sectors to deliver high impact nutrition  ductivity  for  industrial  development  and
                                specif c and sensitive actions that would  regional integration.
                                improve diets of young children;
                             2. Approval of the Regional Technical Regu-  Output: SADC Labour Migration Policy
                                lation on the Marketing of Breastmilk Sub-  Framework  approved  and  implemented
                                stitutes  and  Designated  Products  by  within the broad context of facilitation of
                                Ministers of Health in November 2019.  movement of persons by 2020;
                                T e Regional Technical Regulation on the  As part of ef orts to facilitate skills sharing for
                                marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and  industrialisation through labour migration,
                                designated products provides model law  the Ministers of Employment and Labour and
                                that Member States can adapt into national  Social Partners, in March 2020, adopted a new
                                legislations to facilitate ending of inappro-  SADC Labour Migration Action Plan (2020-
                                priate promotion of foods for infants and  2025). T e new Plan seeks to consolidate the
                                young  children,  protect  and  support  progress being made in a number of Member
                                breastfeeding and the adoption of subse-  States through the adoption of national labour
                                quent World Health Assembly 69.9 reso-  migration policies.
                                lutions;                                   T is action is in line with Article 5 of the
                             3. Documentation  of  Stunting  Reduction  SADC Treaty which requires development
                                Best  Practices  and  Lessons.  T e  SADC  of policies aimed at the progressive elimina-
                                Secretariat conducted missions to Malawi  tion of obstacles to the free movement of
                                and Lesotho to document lessons on stunt-  capital and labour, goods and services, and
                                ing reductions. Additional lessons were  of the people of the Region generally, among
                                shared by Zimbabwe and Tanzania during  Member  States.  Accordingly,  the  SADC
                                a regional Food and Nutrition Steering  Labour Migration Action Plan has the fol-
                                Committee meeting, held in Dar es Salaam  lowing objectives:
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