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Protocol on Industry
                                The Southern African Development Community achieved an important milestone when
                                the 39th SADC Summit approved the Protocol on Industry to facilitate the development
                                of a diversified, innovative and globally competitive industrial base. The Protocol will give
                                legal effect to the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap and its Costed Action
                                Plan, and provide coordination, monitoring and evaluation at regional and national levels.
                                The Summit expressed concern about the slow growth in intra-SADC trade levels, and
                                the continuing reliance on the export of unprocessed raw material to the rest of the world,
                                thereby forfeiting the potential benefits of the resource endowments. To this effect, the
                                Summit agreed to accelerate the implementation of the Industrialisation Strategy, and the
                                new SADC Chairperson, H.E. Dr. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli urged Member States to
                                use their vast resources to generate wealth, saying the region is not poor.

                                Regional Mining Vision and Action Plan
                                The SADC Regional Mining Vision and Action Plan approved by the 39th Summit aims
                                to optimise the developmental impact of mineral resources extraction across the region to
                                assist Member States to gain more from their natural resources.

                                SADC Business Council
                                The SADC Business Council was launched in August in Dar es Salaam, United Republic
                                of Tanzania to strengthen private sector engagement in regional integration and public-
                                private sector cooperation in the transformation of SADC economies, pushing forward
        78                      the SADC Industrialisation Agenda.
                                Disaster Preparedness and Response Mechanism
                                The  39th  Summit  directed  that  the  SADC  Disaster  Preparedness  and  Response
                                Mechanism should be operationalised as part of the regional response to climate
                                change, noting the devastating effects of tropical cyclones in the Union of Comoros,
                                Madagascar,  Malawi,  Mozambique,  South  Africa  and  Zimbabwe.  Through  the
                                Southern  African  Regional  Climate  Services  for  Disaster  Resilience  programme,
                                meteorological equipment was deployed to Member States to improve the capacity of
                                national  meteorological  and  hydrological  services  to  access,  process  and  monitor
                                weather- and climate-related data and systems for timely early warning and disaster
                                management.  The SADC Great Green Wall Initiative was developed to support
                                regional efforts to combat desertification, strengthen climate change adaptation, and
                                secure adequate food and nutrition security.

                                Kiswahili is Fourth Official Language of SADC
                                Kiswahili was approved as an official working language of SADC with English, French
                                and Portuguese. It was agreed that Kiswahili would be adopted at the level of Council and
                                Summit, first for oral communication before eventually being adopted for written official
                                communication within SADC.

                                Special Measures
                                The Summit noted good progress towards representation of women in politics and
                                economic decision-making and urged Member States to translate laws and policies into
                                concrete actions, such as legislative quotas on women’s representation in politics and the
                                application of Article 5 of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development on Special
                                Measures. The SADC Gender and Development Monitor 2018 was launched, focusing
                                on a review of economic empowerment and gender responsive budgeting.
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