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Regional Multi­Dimensional Women’s Economic Empowerment Programme
                  The Economic Empowerment Programme approved by SADC Gender Ministers on 29
                  May 2019 in Windhoek, Namibia will guide the region in reviewing, amending and
                  developing laws to provide for equal access to wage employment, decent work and social
                  protection, which are fundamental to regional development and integration. This is in line
                  with the provisions of the Revised Protocol on Gender and Development, which aspires
                  to gender equality and equity.

                  SADC Anthem and Flag
                  The SADC Council of Ministers has approved the singing of the SADC anthem together
                  with the national anthem during SADC meetings. The Council also decided that Member
                  States should hoist the SADC flag with national flags during all SADC meetings and
                  national events in order to strengthen awareness of the SADC identity, brand, and
                  community-building symbols, and called on the Secretariat to explore other ways of
                  popularising SADC and bringing SADC to SADC citizens.

                  SADC Standards Harmonisation
                  Due to the imminent commencement of the African Continental Free Trade Area,
                  the SADCSTAN harmonisation procedure was reviewed to align with the African
                  Harmonisation Model. Eleven SADC standards were harmonised in 2017/18, 10
                  more were harmonised in 2018/19, bringing the total number of SADC harmonised
                  texts to 107.
                  African Continental Free Trade Area operational
                  The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) has
                  entered into force with the potential to boost intra-regional
                  trade in Africa and change the global economic landscape.
                  The integrated market became operational on 30 May 2019
                  after the required 22 countries had deposited instruments of
                  ratification with the African Union Commission, the launch
                  was  on  7  July  2019  in  Niamey,  Niger,  with  trade  to
                  commence on 1 January 2021. By end December 2020, 36
                  countries had ratified the agreement, including eight SADC
                  Member  States  –  Angola,  Eswatini,  Lesotho,  Mauritius,
                  Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The agreement to establish the AfCTA
                  was signed in Kigali, Rwanda on 21 March 2018, at an African Union Summit that said
                  the creation of an integrated market is a historic landmark for the continent to transform
                  its political independence into sustainable economic development, as envisioned by the
                  founding leaders.

                  The 39 SADC Summit was held in Dar es Salaam, United Republic of           2019-2020
                  Tanzania on 17-18 August 2019, hosted and chaired by President Dr. John
                  Pombe Joseph Magufuli, with the theme of A Conducive Environment
                  for  Inclusive  and  Sustainable  Development,  Increased  Intra-
                  Regional Trade and Job Creation.

                  The year 2019/20 marked the final year of implementation of the Revised Regional
                  Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2015-2020, approved by the Extra-
                  Ordinary Summit in April 2015 in Harare, Zimbabwe. The Revised RISDP, together with
                  the SADC Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security
                  Cooperation (SIPO II), remain the core comprehensive development frameworks that
                  guide the implementation of SADC’s integration agenda and realisation of the SADC
                  Objectives, Vision and Mission as enshrined in the SADC Treaty and Common Agenda.
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