Page 92 - sadc40en
P. 92

Emerging Security Threats
                                An Assessment Report on Emerging Security Threats in the Region was presented to
                                Summit which directed the Secretariat to prepare an action plan for implementation that
                                will prioritise measures to combat terrorism, violent attacks and cybercrime; and address
                                the  adverse  effects  of  climate  change.  The  Summit  welcomed  the  decision  by  the
                                Government of Mozambique to bring to the attention of SADC the violent attacks
                                situation  in  the  country,  expressed  SADC  solidarity  and  commitment  to  support
                                Mozambique in addressing terrorism and violent attacks, and condemned all acts of
                                terrorism and armed attacks.

                                Amendment to Protocol on Control of Firearms
                                An Agreement was signed to amend the SADC Protocol on the Control of Firearms,
                                Ammunition and Other Related Materials.

                                Status of the SADC Standby Force and Components Deployed in the Region
                                The Summit approved an Agreement between the Governments of the Member States
                                of the Southern African Development Community regarding the Status of SADC Standby
                                Force and its Components Deployed within the Region for Purposes of Training, Peace
                                Support Operations, Exercises and Humanitarian Assistance.

                                Solidarity with Mauritius in Marine Disaster
                                Summit expressed solidarity with the Government and People of Mauritius for the
        82                      environmental disaster in its waters caused by a grounded ship and called upon SADC
                                Member States and the International Community to support Mauritius in containing the

                                Development of new Protocol on Employment and Labour
                                Summit approved the development of a new Protocol on Employment and Labour, and to
                                this effect, approved the withdrawal of the existing Protocol on Employment and Labour.

                                                               Mechanism to Honour SADC Founders
                                                               The Mechanism in Honour of the Founders of
                                                               SADC was approved by the 40th SADC Summit
                                                               which urged Member States to operationalise the
                                                               Mechanism, saying this presents an opportunity to
                                                               increase awareness by SADC citizens about the
                                                               ideals and benefits of a shared regional community.
                                                               The leaders and people of the Member States that
                                                               first gained independence in the 1960s and 1970s
                                                               made economic and other sacrifices to support
                                                               neighbouring countries under colonial rule and
                                                               apartheid, in solidarity, and with the belief that they
                                                               would  not  be  truly  independent  until  all  were
                                                               independent  and  could  pursue  economic
                                                               development  together  in  unity  as  a  regional
                                                               community with a shared future. The achievements
                                                               of SADC, including industrial development and
                                                               integration,  are  significant  milestones  in  the
      The nine independent countries that founded SADCC were represented at the Summit in  trajectory toward the aspirations of the founding
      Lusaka, Zambia on 1 April 1980 by the following:         leaders  as  presented  in  their  1980  statement,

      Back from left: Hon. Dick Matenje, Malawi;  Robert Gabriel Mugabe, Prime Minister­designate of  Southern Africa: Toward Economic Liberation.
      Zimbabwe; Rt. Hon. Prince Mabandla Dlamini, Prime Minister, Kingdom of Eswatini;
      Hon. Mooki Vitus Molapo, Minister of Trade and Tourism, Kingdom of Lesotho.
      Front  from left: H.E. José Eduardo dos Santos, President of Angola; H.E. Sir Seretse Khama,
      founding President of Botswana;  H.E. Dr Kenneth David Kaunda, founding President of Zambia;
      H.E. Samora Moises Machel, founding President of Mozambique; H.E. Mwalimu Julius
      Kambarage Nyerere, founding  President of the United Republic of Tanzania.
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