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The  40 SADC  Summit  was  the  first  virtual  Summit  using  video       2020
                  conferencing technology, hosted by Mozambique on 17 August 2020 and
                  chaired President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi with the theme of
                  SADC: 40 Years Building Peace and Security, Promoting
                  Development and Resilience to Face Global Challenges.

                  SADC Vision 2050
                  The  40 SADC  Summit  approved  the  SADC  Vision  2050,  which  is
                  premised on three inter-related Pillars based on a firm foundation of Peace,
                  Security and Democratic Governance:
                  ❖   Industrial Development and Market Integration;
                  ❖   Infrastructure Development in Support of Regional Integration; and,
                  ❖   Social and Human Capital Development.
                           The three pillars also recognise Gender, Youth, Environment and
                  Climate Change, and Disaster Risk Management as essential crosscutting
                           The Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan 2020-2030 was
                  approved to operationalise Vision 2050, toward a peaceful, middle- to high-
                  income industrialised region, where all citizens enjoy sustainable economic
                  wellbeing, justice and freedom.

                  Macroeconomic Convergence Surveillance Mechanism
                  The Summit endorsed an enhanced Macroeconomic Convergence Surveillance Mechanism            81
                  that includes high frequency data to complement the existing Macroeconomic Convergence

                  Socio­Economic Impacts of COVID­19
                  Heads of State and Government from the 16 Member States and the SADC Secretariat
                  discussed these issues using video conferencing technology from their various capitals due to
                  the global coronavirus pandemic. The 40th Summit received a report on the Socio Economic
                  impacts of COVID-19 on SADC economies and approved the measures proposed to address
                  the sectoral impacts.

                  Representation of Women and Youth
                  The Summit re-emphasised the need to fully implement the SADC Protocol on Gender and
                  Development, and put in place concrete measures to improve the representation of women
                  and youth in elected political positions.
                  Self­Financing Plan for SEOM
                  A Five-Year Sustainable Self-Financing Plan for SADC
                  Electoral Observation Missions (SEOM) covering 2021-
                  2025 was endorsed by the 40th Summit.

                  Fake News and Abuse of Social Media
                  The Summit urged Member States to take pro-active measures to mitigate external interference,
                  the impact of fake news and the abuse of social media, especially in electoral processes.

                  Force Intervention Brigade DRC
                  SADC’s position on the reconfiguration of the Force Intervention Brigade in the Democratic
                  Republic of Congo, as submitted to the UN Secretary General, emphasised by the Summit, is
                  that the Force Intervention Brigade (FIB) should not be tampered with. The Summit expressed
                  gratitude to the countries contributing troops to FIB for the continued support to peace and
                  security in the eastern DRC, and reiterated SADC’s continued support to the DRC.
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