Page 89 - sadc40en
P. 89

25 October for Disapproval of Sanctions
                  The Summit noted the adverse impact on the economy of Zimbabwe and the region of
                  prolonged economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe, and expressed solidarity with
                  Zimbabwe, calling for the immediate lifting of the sanctions to facilitate socio-economic
                  recovery. In addition to bilateral initiatives, the Summit declared 25 October as the date
                  for SADC Member States to collectively voice their disapproval of the sanctions through
                  various activities and platforms, until the sanctions are lifted.

                  Protocol on Inter­State Transfer of Sentenced Offenders
                  The Protocol on Inter-State Transfer of Sentenced Offenders was approved, with the
                  objective of facilitating the transfer of sentenced offenders to serve sentences in their
                  home countries.

                  Maritime Security Strategy
                  The Summit noted the gravity of maritime security threats, such as piracy, maritime terrorism,
                  drug trafficking, and illegal carrying and trafficking of weapons and ammunition, and agreed
                  to jointly address them as part of SADC Maritime Security Strategy.

                  SADC Parliament
                  The SADC Secretariat in collaboration with the SADC Parliamentary Forum was directed
                  to develop the model for the proposed SADC Parliament, in terms of mandate, powers
                  and functions; and a Roadmap for the transformation of the SADC Parliamentary Forum
                  into a SADC Parliament.                                                                     79

                                   Invest in Youth and Technology, and Tell Your Story:  Mkapa to SADC
                                   SADC should invest in youth and technology to leverage the vast
                                   knowledge dividend that resides in its young people, and should tell
                                   its own story to explain how SADC works and elicit the people’s
                                   sense of ownership of their organisation. The late President of
                                   the United Republic of Tanzania, H.E. Benjamin William Mkapa
                                   left this advice in delivering the SADC Public Lecture prior to
                                   the Summit.

                  Regional Logistics Depot
                  Construction is expected to start in May 2020 on the SADC Standby Force Regional
                  Logistics Depot located in Botswana, to provide storage, inspection and maintenance
                  facilities  for  equipment  and  materials  for  all  components  of  the  Force,  with  initial
                  operational capability by 2021 and full operational capability in 2023.

                  Peace and Reconciliation
                  The Summit commended H.E. President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic
                  of Mozambique, and Hon. Ossufo Momade, the leader of the opposition political party,
                  Renamo on the signing of the peace and reconciliation agreement on 6 August 2019,
                  toward sustainable peace and socio-economic development.

                  SADC Regional Tourism Programme
                  The SADC Regional Tourism Programme was developed to harmonise policies and strategies
                  towards the development of tourism in the region, after the Regional Tourism Organisation
                  in Southern Africa (RETOSA) was disbanded in line with provisions of its Charter. RETOSA
                  was established in 1997 as a SADC subsidiary to assist in the development of tourism in the
                  region and market southern Africa as a single, multi-faceted tourism destination. Challenges
                  included lack of capacity and resources.
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