Page 71 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 71

Consolidating Democratic Institutions in  33 mediation practitioners to strengthen
                             the Region                             SADC's deployment capability in conf ict
                              In the consolidation of democracy, the Polit-  prevention,  management  and  resolution.
                             ical Sector supported Member States’ elec-  T e ef orts mark continued commitment
                             toral processes by facilitating the deployment  towards a peaceful region and further en-
                             of  the  SADC  Electoral  Advisory  Council  hanced political commitment to democracy
                             (SEAC) Pre-election Goodwill Missions and  and good governance principles in Member
                             the SADC Electoral Observation Missions  States.
                             (SEOMs). In the period under review, SADC        In  the  context  of  regional  capacity
                             electoral observation missions were deployed  building, the Defence Sector, together with
                             to four Member States – Botswana, Mauri-  the Regional Peacekeeping Training Centre,
                             tius, Mozambique and Namibia. Af er the  provided Member States with knowledge and
                             elections, recommendations were produced  skills in peacekeeping operations in line with
                             by the observation missions on how the four  global and regional standards. T is initiative
                             Member States could strengthen their elec-  strengthened the capacity of Member States
                             toral processes.                       to participate in Peace Support Operations
                                    Based on the SEOM f ndings, the four  (PSOs) within and beyond the region.
                             SADC Member States adhered to at least
                             seven of the 12 SADC Principles and Guide-
                             lines  Governing  Democratic  Elections,  Coping with Natural Disasters
                             which aim to promote common political val-  The Defence Sector responded to the re-
                             ues and systems. T is achievement enhanced  currence of disasters in the region by con-
                             political  commitment  to  democracy  and  vening  a  multi-dimensional  technical
                             good  governance  principles  in  Member  team  of  experts  to  review  the  SADC
                             States.                                Standby Force disaster response mecha-
                                                                    nism. This was in line with the 39th SADC
                              Capacity Training for Election Observers   Summit directive that tasked the Secre-
                              In  pursuit  of  strengthened  capacity  for  tariat with expediting the operationaliza-
      68                     election observation and reporting in all  tion of the SADC Disaster Preparedness
                             Member States, a total of 116 short-term  and Response Mechanism as part of re-
                             and  long-term  election  observers  were  gional measures to respond to the impact
                             trained in the use of Information Commu-  of climate change. The convening of a re-
                             nication  Technology  (ICT)  before  their  gional multi-dimensional technical team
                             deployment.                            resulted in the adoption of the draft SADC
                                    T is resulted in more ef  cient electoral  Standby  Force  Contingency  Plan  and
                             processes in the region. Furthermore, tech-  Standard Operating Procedures to support
                             nical  and  peer  exchanges  were  held  by  Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Opera-
                             SEAC  and  SEOMs  in  the  four  Member  tions in collaboration with the Disaster
                             States that held elections since August 2019.  Risk Reduction Component of the Secre-
                                    These  exchanges  provided  technical  tariat and Member States.
                              assistance to electoral management bod-
                                    ies in order to strengthen electoral
                                       processes and implementation  Development of Regional Early Warning
                                          of regional best practices.  System Report
                                                   T e Political Sec-  In  order  to  assist  the  different  Organ
                                             tor   also   supported  structures to make informed strategic de-
                                               conf ict  prevention,  cisions and timely adopt the required in-
                                                management and res-  terventions,  the  State  Security  Sector
                                                olution by providing  developed a Report on Effectiveness, Effi-
                                                 technical  and  ca-  cacy and Viability of the Regional Early
                                                 pacity  building  to  Warning System (REWS).
                                                                          To further strengthen the regional ca-
                                                                    pacity to implement the peace and secu-
                                                                    rity  objectives  of  the  Organ,  50
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