Page 70 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 70
Priority C
cratic institutions and practices within
the territories of State Parties;
• To promote regional coordination on
matters related to security and defence
ORGAN ON POLITICS, and establish appropriate mechanisms to
COOPERATION • To prevent, contain and resolve inter-state
and intra-state conf ict by peaceful means.
Within the structure of the SADC Secre-
tariat, the Directorate of the Organ is overseen
MANDATE OF THE ORGAN by the SADC Executive Secretary. T e Organ 67
Directorate is tasked with coordinating the
In accordance with Article 5(c) of the SADC achievement of these strategic objectives,
Treaty, one major objective of SADC is to which are allocated to the following sectors:
consolidate, defend and maintain democ- • Political Sector: national government and
racy, peace, security and stability in the re- state/foreign af airs;
gion. T e SADC Protocol on Politics, • Defence Sector: peace, stability and se-
Defence and Security Cooperation provides curity;
the policy context for the implementation of • State Security Sector: early warning/na-
this major objective, together with other tional and regional security;
strategic instruments such as the Strategic • Public Security Sector: protection of the
Indicative Plan for the Organ on Politics, De- society – including public emergency
fence and Security Cooperation (SIPO). In management, justice, immigration and
this regard, the SADC Organ on Politics, De- organised crime; and
fence and Security Cooperation was estab- • Police Sector: law enforcement agencies
lished in 1996 as a formal regional institution responsible for transnational organised
to support the achievement and mainte- crimes such as drug traf cking, unlawful
nance of peace and security in the region. possession of f rearms and stock/property
Article 2.2 of the Protocol provides for a thef .
number of specif c objectives of the Organ,
which include:
• To protect the people and safeguard the KEY ACHIEVEMENTS
development of the region against insta-
bility arising from the breakdown of law
and order, intra-state conf ict, inter-state Guided by Priority C: Peace and Security
conf ict and aggression; Cooperation of the Revised SADC Regional
• To promote political cooperation among Indicative Strategic Development Plan
State Parties and the evolution of com- (RISDP) 2015-2020, the Organ Directorate
mon political values and institutions; achieved the following since the last SADC
• To promote the development of demo- Summit held in August 2019: