Page 69 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 69

Deployment of Equipment to Member States
                                                       under 10th EDF supporting Intra-ACP-EU Partnership on
                                                       Building Resilience of African Nations and Communities to
                                                       Disasters caused by Natural Hazards.
                                                              T e objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity and
                                                       capability of all the 16 SADC Member States to generate and
                                                       disseminate climate information in a timely manner in response
                                                       to climate-induced disasters and reduce loss of lives and prop-
                                                       erty damage. T e project also aims to strengthen the capacity
                                                       to use numerical weather prediction models and regional cli-
                                                       mate models for seasonal climate forecast. It has three outcomes
                                                       as outlined below.
                                                        • Outcome 1: T e Core Capacities of SADC National Mete-
                                                           orological/Hydrological Services and the SADC Climate
                                                           Services Centre (CSC) are Improved to Meet the Needs of
                                                           Disaster Risk Management Agencies.
                                                              T e action mainly involves the improvement of me-
                                                           teorological infrastructure equipment for early warning
                                                           system in SADC Member States. In this regard, the project
                                                           plans to donate the following equipment to Member States:
                                                           40 automatic weather stations, 14 high performance com-
                                                           puting servers and two automatic Message Switching Sys-
                                                           tem. Once delivered and installed, these equipment will
                                                           improve data access, processing and monitoring of the
                                                           weather and climate system for timely early warning and
                                                           disaster mitigation.
                                                        • Outcome 2: Ef ective Integration of Regional Early Warn-
                                                           ing is Operationalised.
                                                              T e action in this component is the generation and
      66                                                   dissemination of extreme weather and climate information
                                                           services for disaster risk reduction. T e project has capac-
                                                           itated the SADC CSC to generate information and upload
                                                           daily, weekly and monthly weather and climate informa-
                                                           tion on its website for use by the dif erent stakeholders in
                                                           the region. T e SADC CSC also issued several advisories
                                                           on extreme weather events (such as cyclones, droughts,
                                                           heavy rains and f oods) to Member States.
                                                              In addition, the project has funded two annual South-
                                                           ern African Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF) meetings
                                                           that brought together and interacted with experts from
                                                           various climate sensitive sectors to discuss seasonal climate
                                                           forecasts for rainfall seasons and early warning advisories
                                                           based on consensus regional forecasts generated by climate
                                                           experts from Member States. T e SARCOF advisories aim
                                                           to guide strategic planning to climate sensitive sectors and
                                                           enhanced preparedness & response to imminent hazards.
                                                           T e SADC CSC issued the SARCOF statements, extreme
                                                           weather alerts and drought advisories.
                                                        • Outcome 3: Competent Team of National/Regional Ex-
                                                           perts Trained to Respond to the Needs of National Disaster
                                                           Risk Management.
                                                             T e project conducted a series of capacity building activ-
                                                       ities in early warning at national and regional levels, includ-
                                                       ing seasonal climate forecasting techniques; information
                                                       technology administration for HPC servers; climate risk as-
     Source: SADC Secretariat                          sessment; meso-scale forecasting for extreme weather events;
                                                       and climate modelling. About 80 experts from various cli-
                                                       mate sensitive sectors have so far been trained.
      Southern African Regional Climate Services for Disaster
      Resilience (SARCIS-DR)

      SARCIS-DR Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs)
      SARCIS-DR High Performance Computers (HPCs)
      SARCIS-DR Automatic Message Switching Systems (AMSSs)
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