Page 72 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 72

intelligence personnel from SADC Mem-
                  ber States were trained in Conflict Man-
                  agement,  Counter  Intelligence,  and
                  Leadership in Counter Intelligence. This
                  initiative was also aimed at harmonizing
                  intelligence skills in Member States and
                  enhancing the REWS.

                  Towards a Regional UNIVISA             Reviewing Protocol
                  Although  the  movement  of  persons  was  on the Control of
                  temporarily restricted by the outbreak of the  Firearms
                  Covid-19, the Public Security Sector fo-  In   order   to
                  cused on the future by f nalising the UNI-  strengthen  capacity
                  VISA Legal Instrument in November 2019.  of Member States to
                  T e instrument is intended to guide the  combat  illicit  traf-
                  processes of issuing the SADC UNIVISA  f cking of small arms
                  for increased tourist traf  c in the region in  and light weapons in
                  the context of a safe public security envi-  the region, the Police
                  ronment.                               Sector also convened a Task Team Meeting
                         T e development of a UNIVISA or sin-  to review the SADC Protocol on the Control
                  gle visa system in SADC seeks to promote  of Firearms, Ammunition and Other Re-
                  the tourism industry by making it easier for  lated Materials to broaden the scope of ap-
                  tourists and travellers to move smoothly  plication  of  the  Protocol  to  include
                  across borders and between Member States.  conventional weapons; align it with the in-
                  Currently, travellers from outside SADC are  ternational  conventions  and  incorporate
                  expected to apply for visas each time they  contemporary best practices and standards
                  want to move from one country to another  for prevention and combating illicit prolif-         69
                  in the region, a situation most travellers say  eration,  circulation  and  traf  cking  of
                  is costly and a barrier to movement within  f rearms, ammunition and related material.
                  the region. Under the SADC UNIVISA, vis-        The Police Sector, in partnership with the
                  itors to the region would be expected to  INTERPOL Regional Bureau in Harare, also
                  apply only once for a visa that would allow  conducted an inter-regional joint and simul-
                  them to move from one country to another  taneous operation in member states of the
                  without getting another visa.
                                                         SADC and Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Co-
                                                         operation Organization (EAPCCO). T e op-
                  Combating Transnational Crime          eration   targeted   cross-border   and
                  Related to the initiatives, the Police Sector
                  provided  technical  capacity  to  Member  transnational organized crime syndicates in-
                                                         volved in traf  cking of drugs, traf  cking in
                  States to combat Transnational Organized  persons, small arms and light weapons, vehi-
                  Crime through regional training of Train-  cle thef , illegal precious metals, and other re-
                  ers. A total of 32 officials were trained on  lated crimes. T e ef ect of this operation was
                  cybercrime;  32  on  small  arms,  light  to enhance public security in the region.
                  weapons,  International  Criminal  Police
                  Organisation  (INTERPOL)  Illicit  Arms
                  Record  and  Tracing  Systems  (iARMS);  Gender Based Violence
                  while 60 were trained on firearms mark-  T e Directorate contributed to the develop-
                  ing.  The  delivery  of  the  technical  skills  ment  of  the  SADC  Strategy  on  Gender
                  among law enforcement officers in the re-  Based Violence by providing some of the
                  gion  is  intended  to  strengthen  law  and  provisions and priorities, and also helped in
                  order and, therefore, provide for a secure  disseminating the Strategy in the three of  -
                  environment for the achievement of the  cial SADC languages, to enhance awareness
                  broader regional integration agenda.   of GBV in the region
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