Page 73 - 40th Summit Brochure 2020
P. 73

Priority D

                                 SPECIAL PROGRAMMES                 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS
                              OF REGIONAL INTEGRATION
                                                                    In line with the priorities in the Revised Re-
                                                                    gional Indicative Strategic Development Plan
                                                                    (RISDP) 2015-2020, Regional Agricultural
                              FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND                 Policy (RAP), SADC Industrialisation Strat-
                              NATURAL RESOURCES                     egy and Roadmap 2015-2063 and the Re-
                                                                    gional Infrastructure Development Master
                                                                    Plan (RIDMP) as well as Summit, Council
                                                                    and Ministerial Committee decisions, the rel-
                                                                    evant work implemented by FANR during the
                             MANDATE OF THE DIRECTORATE             f nancial year 2019/20 includes the following.
                              T e overall goal of the Food Agriculture  Implementation of the Malabo Declaration
                              and Natural Resources (FANR) Directorate  T e second Biennial Review Report on the
                              is to promote agricultural productivity and  Implementation of the 2014 Malabo Decla-
                              food security at household, national and re-  ration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth
                              gional levels and to promote ef  cient utili-  and Transformation for Shared Prosperity
                              sation and conservation of natural resources  and Improved Livelihoods was launched in
                              and environment. T e FANR Directorate  February 2020 by the African Union Com-
                              also has the mandate to promote the SADC  mission, with contributions from the SADC
                              region as a single tourism destination.  region, coordinated by the SADC Secre-
                                                                    tariat, with technical support from the Re-
                                                                    gional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge
                             KEY RESULTS AREAS                      Support System T e report monitors the
                                                                    performance of AU Member States on the
                              T e Key Results Areas for FANR are:   seven commitments that have been agreed
                              utilisation of plant and animal genetic re-  as key to transforming agriculture in Africa.
                              sources to improve agricultural production        T ese are:
                              and maintenance of species diversity for  (i) Increased production, productivity
                              present and future generations: T is aim is  and competitiveness of crops, livestock,
                              to conserve the plant genetic resources of  forestry, f sheries and wildlife to sup-
                              the region through a network of National  port trade, industry and food security
                              Plant   Genetic   Resources   Centres    in the region: T e overall objective is to
                              (NPGRCs). T e thrust is to maintain a Re-  promote policies and programmes for
                              gional Plant Genetic Resource Centre and a  overall improvement in food produc-
                              network  of  national  Plant  Genetic  Re-  tion,  protection,  processing,  storage
                              sources  (PGR)  programmes  to  support  and utilisation of all crops, livestock,
                              plant research in the region, conserve in-  forests, f sheries and wildlife;
                              digenous plant genetic resources and crop  (ii) Increased market access and regional
                              genetic resources, and train plant genetic re-  and international trade for agricultural
                              sources personnel.                       products (crops, livestock and natural
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